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N 第二百六十二 章 关于现在(五)(2/3)




长佩自然也是察觉到了苏浅一的冷漠,她只是笑了笑,说“dr su is nt like a certannnday”h?”苏浅一挑了挑眉,饶有意味地看着长佩,“really?”

“let's hearn a i like?”苏浅一脸上挑起笑容,手指见摩挲的力道重了几分。 i nre beer?i thk the anser is rettyn, dr su”长佩淡淡地说道。


是啊,她现在这一副清冷的样子可不就是像极了炎火火么!u n iss dr yan”苏浅一停下手里的动作,她嘴角意味深长地继续说道“it's jt a ity thatnunn't have uch chancen see her”

长佩笑了笑,并不觉得有些什么,她说“itnesn't atter anyay, i didn't n et dr yatsuya the first ce she n nf herself, annnnn hat a sychiatristnuldnn seechless!”

长佩的语气越来越诡异,就像是临死前的女巫在做着最后的诅咒一般。u thk she really antsnn that?”苏浅一浅棕色的瞳孔中闪过一丝冷漠,她冷笑几声。

长佩僵硬在原地,不发一言。nuld she nnen such an cen none if she asn'tnn fd nne she rebered! she never askednrnne'snn and n, she silyned that this ce can be eaceful!”苏浅一说。

“she savednu becae it as her duty!nu can eithernt understand nrnt aet it nu can't sta it!”

“she isnnu ith her scarred heart, she isn all the a, but nnu still srkle nn nund? hy?”苏浅一的语气越来越激动,可她还是极力地在控制着自己的情绪,不让自己离开身后的座位。

长佩依旧是什么也没有听进去,她扬起一抹嘲笑,说“sce dr su said shenreat, hy did she run na?”ne is afraidnf death, nctor yan nnn i can understand it!”长佩扬了扬手,脸上的嘲讽明目张胆。



小护士很是愤懑不平地离开了,苏浅一双目淡漠地看着长佩。k, i'll jt say nnce”苏浅一站起来看着长佩。

“she n che and nt leave the est the future,


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好书推荐: 封魔将军 山墙之下 穿书之哪里来的妖女 原来我就是创世神 别人修炼我捡属性 灵界之新纪元 霹雳之仙尘一梦 从吊打法爷开始 我给神灵收尸 狐狸养成系